Nos últimos vinte anos, o capitão Barba fina vem procurando pelo o que dizem, o mais desafiador dos sete mares , alguns já o tinham o descrito como a criatura mais amendrontadora que poderia ter sido criada pelas mãos de deus, mitos sobre um ser caçador de barcos e velas, uma criatura que não tinha pena ou compaixão.
Com ou sem vida, a recompensa em ouro de ouro pela cabeça do bicho, estava em vista, e finalmente, depois de tantos anos, passando por tempestades, fome e sede, ela foi avistada, “não existia um olhar de ódio e desejo mais forte de vontade, do que tive aquela noite”, dizia o capitão.
Com ou sem vida, a recompensa em ouro de ouro pela cabeça do bicho, estava em vista, e finalmente, depois de tantos anos, passando por tempestades, fome e sede, ela foi avistada, “não existia um olhar de ódio e desejo mais forte de vontade, do que tive aquela noite”, dizia o capitão.
For the last twenty years, Captain Beard Thin has been searching for what they say, the most challenging of the seven seas, some had already described him as the most scary creature that might have been created by God’s hands, myths about a hunter being boats and candles, a creature that had no pity or compassion.
With or without life, the reward of gold coins for the head of the beast was in view, and finally, after so many years, through storms, hunger and thirst, it was sighted, “there was no look of hatred and strong desire of will, than I had that night, ‘said the captain.
With or without life, the reward of gold coins for the head of the beast was in view, and finally, after so many years, through storms, hunger and thirst, it was sighted, “there was no look of hatred and strong desire of will, than I had that night, ‘said the captain.
These are Tomas and Jacob, are two bounty thieves that are going to save their little brother.
In a brief story, as soon as the village went to war, Jacob and Paul fled to seek shelter from the war that was happening north and down to the south, where they found the city of Hokstown, a small town to the west, of the coast of the island, when they arrived, they saw that the people were going through a difficult season, some families did not even have what to eat.
When they spoke to the mayor, they saw that the city had been suffering from robberies and violence from rebels all around.
It was then that they decided to use the little experience of soldiers they had to train the more olders of the village, and then so try to bring peace to town again.
Jacob realized that would not be enough to keep the village, it was then that on one of their night out to hunt and met Tomas.
Tomas was a villager who was expelled for his lack of respect for the villagers and his reputation as a cheater, probably half of the city charged him for loans made with short-term promises of payment.
Tomas did not know what was happening with the city, it was then that he decided to go back to understand what was happening.
In a brief story, as soon as the village went to war, Jacob and Paul fled to seek shelter from the war that was happening north and down to the south, where they found the city of Hokstown, a small town to the west, of the coast of the island, when they arrived, they saw that the people were going through a difficult season, some families did not even have what to eat.
When they spoke to the mayor, they saw that the city had been suffering from robberies and violence from rebels all around.
It was then that they decided to use the little experience of soldiers they had to train the more olders of the village, and then so try to bring peace to town again.
Jacob realized that would not be enough to keep the village, it was then that on one of their night out to hunt and met Tomas.
Tomas was a villager who was expelled for his lack of respect for the villagers and his reputation as a cheater, probably half of the city charged him for loans made with short-term promises of payment.
Tomas did not know what was happening with the city, it was then that he decided to go back to understand what was happening.
Então assim eram as noites de Spencer, todas cheias de comidas que não deveria estar comendo e seu estado mental inadequado para o trabalho, ele era um bom detetive, só não conseguia lidar com a separação, o alcool estava acabando com ele, não sei quantas vezes eu peguei a maquina de café cheia de vodka, era um bom disfarce, tenho que admitir!
Quando cheguei no escritório aquela noite, ele tinha esquecido a bengala, e não tinha alimentado a Mel, o que era bem estranho, já que ele cuidava melhor dela do que dele mesmo.
Desde que o caso começou, Spencer tem sido uma pessoa muito díficil de lidar, não sei quanto tempo eu mesmo vou durar nesse caso, está sendo cansativo, estou trabalhando demais, preciso ligar para Scarlet.
Quando cheguei no escritório aquela noite, ele tinha esquecido a bengala, e não tinha alimentado a Mel, o que era bem estranho, já que ele cuidava melhor dela do que dele mesmo.
Desde que o caso começou, Spencer tem sido uma pessoa muito díficil de lidar, não sei quanto tempo eu mesmo vou durar nesse caso, está sendo cansativo, estou trabalhando demais, preciso ligar para Scarlet.
- Detetive Roger
So it was Spencer’s nights, all full of food he should not be eating and his mental state unsuitable for work, he was a good detective, he just could not handle the separation, alcohol was killing him, I do not know how many times I got the coffee machine full with vodka, it was a good disguise, I have to admit!
When I arrived at the office that night, he had forgotten his walking stick, and had not fed Mel, which was rather odd, since he cared for her better than himself.
Since the case began, Spencer has been a very difficult person to deal with, I do not know how long I’ll last myself in this case, it’s being tiresome, I’m working too hard, I need to call Scarlet.
When I arrived at the office that night, he had forgotten his walking stick, and had not fed Mel, which was rather odd, since he cared for her better than himself.
Since the case began, Spencer has been a very difficult person to deal with, I do not know how long I’ll last myself in this case, it’s being tiresome, I’m working too hard, I need to call Scarlet.
- Detetive Roger
Uma carta de doctor Spencer
me ligaram logo cedo então cheguei lá o mais rápido possivel
estava chovendo muito, foi um trajeto mais longo do que deveria
O lugar estava escuro, não havia mais energia, o ar era bem humido, parecia que estava abandonado a tempos, mas não era o caso, não fazia tanto tempo desde os acontecimentos.
Ainda sim era muito dificil entender o que estava acontecendo, da onde vinha todo aquele sangue!? Simplesmente tinham partes que não faziam sentido, não parecia um assasinato, não parecia nada que eu já tivesse visto na minha vida, acho que deus abandonou a terra.
Letter from Spencer
I go a call very early so I got there as fast as I could.
it was raining a lot, it was a longer route than it should
The place was dark, there was no more energy, the air was very humid, it looked like it was abandoned at times, but that was not the case, it was not so long since the events.
Still, it was very difficult to understand what was happening, where all the blood came from !? They simply had parts that did not make sense, it did not look like a murder, it did not look like anything I’d ever seen in my life, I think God forgot the earth.
me ligaram logo cedo então cheguei lá o mais rápido possivel
estava chovendo muito, foi um trajeto mais longo do que deveria
O lugar estava escuro, não havia mais energia, o ar era bem humido, parecia que estava abandonado a tempos, mas não era o caso, não fazia tanto tempo desde os acontecimentos.
Ainda sim era muito dificil entender o que estava acontecendo, da onde vinha todo aquele sangue!? Simplesmente tinham partes que não faziam sentido, não parecia um assasinato, não parecia nada que eu já tivesse visto na minha vida, acho que deus abandonou a terra.
Letter from Spencer
I go a call very early so I got there as fast as I could.
it was raining a lot, it was a longer route than it should
The place was dark, there was no more energy, the air was very humid, it looked like it was abandoned at times, but that was not the case, it was not so long since the events.
Still, it was very difficult to understand what was happening, where all the blood came from !? They simply had parts that did not make sense, it did not look like a murder, it did not look like anything I’d ever seen in my life, I think God forgot the earth.
Esse é o Hunter, por alguns anos foi um dos maiores caçadores que o sul dessa Villa já tinha visto, pelo menos ate o acidente, é, a ironia do destino, Hunter foi salvo por 2 ovelhas que estavam passando e viram o que tinha acontecido, desde então, ele nunca mais foi o mesmo.
Dizem por ai que ainda recebe propostas de trabalho.
Dizem por ai que ainda recebe propostas de trabalho.
Well, I’ve tried a few different things, it’s been fun this research phase :)
This is the Hunter, for some years it was one of the biggest hunters that the south of this Villa had seen, at least until the accident, it is, the irony of destiny, Hunter was saved by 2 sheep that were passing and they saw what had happened , since then he has never been the same.
They say that he still receives proposals for work.
They say that he still receives proposals for work.
No meio de uma ilha perdida no meio do triangulo das bermudas, um dos marujos de um navio pirata qulquer andava pela floresta, em busca de comida e água potável, mal sabia ele no que estava disposto a encontrar.
A alguns anos, naquela ilha, corria uma lenda sobre uma estátua mais valiosa que qualquer ouro do mundo poderia comprar, uma estátua que dava vida a primatas, os mesmos que a defendiam de ser roubada por qualquer pirata ou algum outro tipo de ladrão que conseguisse acha-la.
In the middle of a lost island in the middle of the Bermuda triangle, one of the sailors of a pirate ship who wandered through the forest in search of food and drinkable water barely knew what he was willing to find.
A few years later, on that island, there was a legend about a statue more valuable than any gold in the world could buy, a statue that gave birth to primates, the same ones who defended it from being stolen by any pirate or any other thief who could find it.